Case Study

Channel Research

Challenge & Objective

One of our clients needed to understand their channel in greater detail in order to make some informed strategic decisions around their scanning products. They came to us to carry out this research and provide recommendations that would increase the profitability of their channel.


Before commencing any research, we needed to be clear on what we were trying to find out and ensure our surveys and interviews were probing in the right direction.

Given the relatively low trading volume of the client’s product range as a proportion of overall category sales, we knew we needed to ascertain what was driving this. Was it about the products? Perhaps there was some bad sentiment towards the brand, or indeed a lack of awareness altogether.

We developed a two phase research program that blended broad, empirical data with more subjective feedback and opinion. We wanted to give the client as much information as possible to deliver a well-rounded view of their channel. This would consist of an incentivised digital survey which was sent to a broad cross section of channel partners who sold scanning products. We also identified a selection of partners to approach and interview in order to provide the anecdotal feedback, and qualify the survey data. 


The survey was sent out to over 100 scan-selling partners and consisted of a five-minute survey for which they were rewarded with an entry into a prize draw. The initial uptake on the survey was slightly lower than hoped so the research period was extended to allow more partners to respond.

Concurrently, we were calling the nominated partner contacts and interviewing them directly for a more contextualised picture of the data.

How would you rate us as a vendor?


Despite lower than anticipated survey engagement we were able to collect enough data to be statistically significant and combining data points and feedback we were able to develop a keen understanding of what was at play and provide a detailed report back to the client.

From the survey we found that there was a distinct lack of awareness of their scanning products in the market, despite a strong positive affinity toward the overall brand.

The interviews provided valuable context and gave respondents the opportunity to explain their opinions and their personal experiences.

Overall, the project provided the information the client needed to make some key changes to their channel operation. The empirical data was able to confirm some preconceptions, while also challenging others. The anecdotal feedback provided the client with context and customer soundbites as well as directly actionable requests.

This project demonstrates the value in starting from a place of deep understanding as preconceptions aren’t always correct, opportunity often hides in unexpected places and you only find them by searching with an open mind.


Partners contacted


Detailed Interviews


Data Points