Case Study

Commercial Analysis

Challenge & Objective

Our client was looking to improve their channel operations and uncover new partner prospects for their scanning range to boost revenue. Suspecting there were untapped opportunities but unsure where to start, they approached Outbound to help them determine the existence, and potential scale, of this opportunity and to help develop a forward strategy.


During the planning process it was crucial to understand the status quo of the client’s channel function and approach. Historically they had been focussed on servicing a selection of key accounts with little to no attention given to the long tail of smaller trading partners. This was owing to resource and a lack of programmatic administration to support the smaller partners.

With this understanding, we set out to audit their channel through a comprehensive research project that combined quantitative metrics with qualitative, anecdotal feedback from partners. You can read more about this research project here. 

Which brand have you sold


Following our thorough research phase, we produced a comprehensive audit document detailing the data discovered through research, including anecdotal feedback, along with insight and recommendations for actions in the short, medium, and long term. This audit was discussed in detail with client stakeholders to ensure a deep understanding as they returned to their business to develop next steps.

Ease of doing business


Through scrutinising the data and feedback from partners, we were able to identify a number of valuable insight nuggets that, if implemented successfully, could transform their channel operations from a high-labour low-reward environment to a programmatic experience for a higher volume of partners.

We discovered there was an endemic lack of awareness in the channel for our client’s scanning products, despite very well-entrenched awareness and positive sentiment towards their brand. We recommended capitalising on the brand equity and strong association with high-quality imaging technology from their cameras to increase awareness in the channel.

In addition, we recommended an awareness campaign to increase mind share using a targeted media strategy.

Finally, we recommended developing a programmatic approach to nurturing and servicing the long-tail partners. Investment in providing a stream-lined journey where sales teams could access product information, receive bid support, and discover promotions and enablement assets would increase trade with smaller partners without placing undue strain on the existing account management teams.